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(260) 436-6666
3818 W Jefferson Blvd Suite B
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
4149 W Clara Ln
Muncie, Indiana 47304
3D Ultrasound in Fort Wayne and Muncie

Should you get a 3D or 4D ultrasound?
That’s a decision that only you can make. Here are some factors to consider:
- Your budget: 3D and 4D ultrasounds are more expensive than traditional ultrasounds.
- Your gestational age: Your baby’s features will be more visible in the later stages of pregnancy, after the third trimester, we recommend 30 to 36 weeks.
- Your personal preferences: Some people find 3D and 4D ultrasounds to be more emotionally satisfying than traditional ultrasounds.
To schedule a 3D or 4D ultrasound with Miracle in Motion Ultrasound Clinic Center in Fort Wayne, please call us at 260-436-6666 or click here to schedule online.
We look forward to helping you capture this special moment in your pregnancy!
The Benefits Of 3D Baby Ultrasounds
- Parents can receive high-quality images and videos from their ultrasound session, creating a precious keepsake that can be cherished for years to come.
- Social Sharing: Sharing 3D ultrasound images on social media platforms allows parents to celebrate their pregnancy journey and receive support and encouragement from friends and family.
- Enhanced Visualization: provides a realistic and detailed visualization of the baby, allowing parents to see their little one’s features with astounding clarity.
- Bonding Experience: By witnessing their baby’s movements and facial expressions in 3D, parents can establish a stronger emotional connection with their unborn child.

What Is A 3D Ultrasound?
3D ultrasound is a relatively new technology. Like a 2D ultrasound, use sound waves to create an image of your baby. It is a safe way to see your sweet baby’s face for the first time, and they also help doctors ensure that your child is healthy.
You’ll lie down and one of our Louisville ultrasound technicians will apply a gel to your stomach that helps carry the sound waves. The ultrasound technician will then hold a probe against your belly, moving it strategically to get you the best possible image. If you decide, you’ll most likely want to come in between 24 and 28 weeks, when your baby’s face and body are beginning to fill out and will look less bony. There’s also a lot of amniotic fluid around the baby at this time, which is needed to take a great picture.
Afterward, you’ll have beautiful keepsake images to take home and share with your loved ones!
Wondering Whether You Should Get A 3D Ultrasound During Pregnancy?
If you are pregnant and are wondering whether you should get a 3D ultrasound, the answer is yes – most definitely! It is a great way to get a closer look at your baby and to see all of their features in amazing detail. It is also a great way to capture a keepsake of your pregnancy.
Miracle in Motion – Fort Wayne and Muncie 3D Ultrasounds
Taking the perfect 3D ultrasound takes a lot of skill (and the baby’s cooperation!) If you’ve been to another ultrasound facility and not gotten good images, bring us their pictures and get a special package. And if your baby doesn’t cooperate during your session, you can return for a second visit — for free! (SONOGRAPHER DISCRETION) — within one week of your original appointment. Our number one goal is your satisfaction, and we love seeing the joy on parents’ faces when they see their baby in beautiful 3D.